Concepción, Living at (in) the Edge. Fluvial Restoration and Urban Design
This call for ideas considers water landscapes, specifically rivers, as mediators in the formation of a harmonic and dynamic balance between cities and nature. A river restoration approach (considering fluvial geomorphology) should be adopted in order to “re-enliven the river” and as a lens from which to reinforce and understand natural systems for design adaptation.
The competition focuses on the Andalién River, the settlements it crosses and proposed growth areas in zones of risk and ecological value. The competition seeks urbanism proposals, across scales (from bay to river basin and back to one of three strategic sites) which challenge business-as-usual and fundamentally reorient the concrete interplay between Concepción and the Andalién River. In short the competition is looking forward to receive urbanistic answers to the de specific dialogue that natural systems and city undertake/are engaging in Concepción.
In Chile, as in the rest of the world, urban rivers have been severely modified, due to dynamic morphological and sedimentation processes coupled with reckless urbanization and exploitation of the land. These disturbances create natural hazards derived from, amongst others, positioning human settlements in floodplains and consequently, on the fluvial territory. In a context of climate change, the consequences of these conflicts will become predictably more severe. Bold, new ideas for the recovery of the Andalién River will serve as a model for other rivers in Chile and elsewhere.
To give voice to designers and professionals in the fields of the built
environment in the discussion of the future of the city.
To envision implementable and context-based ideas for social, ecological, risk protection and productive opportunities for the city.
To activate necessary collaboration by participating in multidisciplinary teams to create synergies around creative design.
This urban design competition contemplates the necessary exercise of proposing ideas concerning growing urbanization and our natural elements, paying special attention to the social needs and practices looking for redefine our cities grounded in landscape based design.
We seek urban design proposals for a multifunctional area, which address the city’s agreed upon urbanization, that go beyond the norm, that respect the river natural processes and the area’s history of social recognition.
Three different scales shape the challenge: the river basin, the city-landscape interplay and a detailed zoom-in. Participants will be challenged to understand and design in the Andalién River territory across scales.
Six prizes will be awarded. Three money prizes for the first three spots, plus three honorable mentions.
1st prize: 8,000,000 Chilean Pesos
Reference in euros: 10840
2nd prize: 2,000,000 Chilean Pesos
Reference in euros: 2712
3rd prize: 1,000,000 Chilean Pesos
Reference in euros: 1355
The budget of the prizes is fixed so includes any taxes, fees and services charges needed for international transactions.
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