Emergent Practices of Social Architecture
Emergent Practices – a joint project joint between XXI Architecture and Design Magazine and Faculty of Architecture, campus Sint-Lucas Brussels/Ghent, KU Leuven- launches an open call in search of everyday life impact of spatial practices. The open call is the first step of the research that aims to collect and generate critical content on the emergent practices of social architecture.
A selection of submitted projects will be used as case studies, observed and intervened during their implementation processes to generate a grounded discourse on social architecture and its impacts. A wider selection among submitted projects will be published accompanying the research entitled “Understanding the Emergent Practices of Social Architecture”.
The call is open to projects that are
• interested in generating emergent spaces with the inclusion of communities,
• using strategies or tactics that leave open the multiple ways of making space,
• considering themselves as agents of change, alternative ways of spatial production and/or an instrument of emancipation,
• about to start or have just started,
• and located in a European context.
Projects can be submitted through http://emergentpractices.com/submit/
About the Research
Under the umbrella of social architecture several practices have emerged: tactical urbanism, guerilla urbanism, pop-up, DIY urbanism. The main aim of this research is to generate a critical discourse on the impact of architectural implications of so-called social architecture. The existing practices of social architecture will be inquired in their relation to real life experiences, the agents’ roles, and positions in the making of these projects, which will be questioned and redefined if necessary; and norms leading to desired social influences of these projects will be produced. To achieve these goals, the case studies will be both related and diverse. Three projects will be selected with diverse discourses, located in urban areas in Europe, and realized through the participation of architects. The case studies will be conducted in three ways: field observations, interviews with key stakeholders and public debates. During design, implementation and in-use phases, on-site observations will provide realistic insights. Besides the narratives of architectural designs of the designers, the research will focus on the opinions of users, public authorities, neighbors, and other stakeholders as well as architects and designers. This approach will provide a better understanding of the project’s effects on the community. The research will be an open process, simultaneously documenting and sharing its findings through an online platform and in exhibitions. The research will be published systematically online at emergentpractices.com to encourage further discussions. The online publication will function as a knowledge-base that brings together the interviews, public debate sessions, articles, and other types of contents from experts in various disciplines.
The research is run by Hulya Ertas, editor in chief of XXI Architecture and Design magazine, promoted by Kris Scheerlinck and Burak Pak, members of Faculty of Architecture, campus Sint-Lucas Brussels/Ghent, KU Leuven.
Open Call for Emergent Practices of Social Architecture -
Competition Announcement (Built Projects & Masterplans) -
Submission Deadline
01/09/2017 19:13 -