Challenge Participants are to design a Tiny Library optimized for 50 users with engaging multi-functional spaces for all ages and spatial experience. The Tiny Library would be equipped with traditional reading material along with modern formats like e-books, audio books, audiovisual books etc.

The space would be designed as a centralized think tank for the local communities with a focus on public interactions and community development.

Participants should consider affordability and optimum use of space while designing. The designed space should be augmented to hold a maximum number of books in a limited space. The structure should not exceed 200 of built-up area. The proposed design should also be easy to maintain.

The proposal should be iconic, inviting, and creating a statement of its own on the chosen site. The proposed design should have contact between humans and nature. The designed spaces should be innovative, encourage self-learning as well as strengthen the communal spirit. Energy saving and sustainability should be given a thought.

We encourage the participants to develop their programs. The space designed should not be limited to the standard activities viz. reading and self-learning space, sanitation space, administration , reception or information desk. The design should provoke innovative activities that stimulate and accelerate learning.

Rural populations across the globe face a mass exodus of its young population owing to the lack of education, health care, employment opportunities among many others.
Participants are to choose a site in a rural or remote context for the proposal, wherever they feel accessibility to knowledge may change the existing circumstance. The design should be well integrated into the context.
The site selected should be in a dire need of connecting to education and learning. The site should justify the participant’s design.

Prizes of total USD 4000, broken down as follows:
1st Prize: USD 2000 + Certificate + Publication
2nd Prize: USD 1200 + Certificate + Publication
3rd Prize: USD 800 + Certificate + Publication
10 Honourable mentions: Certificates